This is a trail project masquerading as a traffic project!

2011 Splost Time Line

The project’s been in limbo for years as the county struggled to reach a design amenable to all parties. Former Commissioner Bob Ott, who used to represent the area, told the MDJ he’d held up the proposal several times because he disagreed with transportation officials on the appropriate scope.

“It came down to me and the community questioning the need for a project that was that extensive,” said Ott.

Why Oppose?

Take Action Now! Email Commissioners and DOT Director Drew Raessler to voice your

opposition and demand removal from future agendas.

Contacts: , , , , ,

Spread the Word: Share this flyer with friends, family, and neighbors. Together, we can protect our

community from harmful projects disguised as safety initiatives. 


Get More Informed about the Lower Roswell Road Project



Other Community Issues

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COBB Storm Damage Advocacy Group PORTAL

Cobb is proposing to implement a monthly rain tax through code changes. These code changes have draconian measures such as placing leans on your home if you don't pay, and Cobb is pushing much of the stormwater infrastructure off to residents and HOA to maintain while Cobb County diverts most of the stormwater money into the general fund to waste.

RAIN TAX Meetings:

The rain Tax was tabled. Chair Cupid is to be brought back for a vote in August 2024.

See meetings on this site for further details.